

Reducing risks to your people

Your chief security officer (CSO) and your health and safety officers should work together to develop responses that reduce risks to your people’s safety, and improve security when working away from the office. 

To help you develop your responses, decide which security measures you will use to reduce the risks you’ve identified. You should also:

  • identify preventive measures that apply before people leave the office
  • detail actions to take in an emergency
  • work out how your people should deal with clients and the public (if relevant)
  • include vehicle safety and security if your people will be transporting protectively-marked information and equipment
  • create procedures for reporting security incidents.

Developing incident reporting procedures

Advise your people to contact local police for assistance if they feel their safety is at risk. Once they’re safe, they should report the incident to your organisation.

You must have procedures in place for mobile or remote workers to report security incidents. These procedures should include reporting:

  • any security incident involving your organisation’s information and assets
  • other incidents at their work location.

When you’re developing your procedures, consider your ability to respond to, and investigate, incidents that occur outside your premises. 

Reporting incidents and conducting security investigations has more information and advice.

Security alarm system options for mobile working

Consider the use of a security alarm system. Your organisations may use portable alarm systems to protect assets in other mobile work scenarios. For example, vehicles may be fitted with alarms and engine immobilisers.

Page last modified: 4/05/2022